Why the name "Light Foot"?

We in the “Patriot Movement” like tradition. Up until the late 18th / early 19th century, British infantry units were called "Foot" (foot soldiers). As in, the "13th Regiment of Foot". Light infantry was called “Light Foot”. Cavalry was called "Horse", heavy cavalry was "Heavy Horse", for example, the "48th Regiment of

As we will not have much in the way of supply lines or support elements, we will most likely "live off the land, resupply off the enemy", so to speak. Carrying what we need on our backs through the mountains and hills. Light = Fast.

Hence, the "Light Foot Militia" or "Light Foot", for short (Idaho Light Foot, Utah Light Foot, etc).

Our unit patch in all states...
Is a circular green patch (or tan, depending on the camo pattern of your uniform) with a Spartan helmet and crossed short swords. You can also get a state patch (1"x 4") added below for a more custom look.

Above is "Come and get them" in Greek. Pronounced "Molon Laveh".

It is a famous quote from ancient military history. It was uttered by Leonidas (King of Sparta) to Xerxes (King of Persia) during the battle of Thermopylae, when Xerxes ordered Leonidas... "Lay down your arms!"

Leonidas' reply will live in history... "Come and get them!"